January 2, 2025

WhatsApp checkmark meaning

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whatsapp double check mark meanings

WhatsApp checkmark meaning is different for different checkmarks . Each checkmark have unique meaning . For example if you have sent someone a message and he or she is not online and his or her internet is turned off then you will see single checkmark . If his or her internet is on then two grey ticks will be show to sender . If he / she have seen your message then two blue ticks will be shown .

If clock icon is shown when you send some message that means your internet is maybe slow and your message have not sent yet . Or your internet is turned off or your data plan is ended . When you receives internet connection then that clock icon get turned into single checkmark or double checkmark. Below is meaning of common checkmarks .

  • Single grey check mark : Message sent from your device but other person have not received it , possible if his / her internet is turned off .
  • Two grey check marks : Message sent from your device and received on other person device , his/her device internet is on . He / she have not opened your message yet.
  • Double blue check marks : Message sent and message opened .
  • Clock : Message not sent from your device due to slow internet or internet is turned off or not available .

If you send messages to someone and it show single check mark , that can also means , that person have blocked you , if some person have blocked you then you are not able to see his / per profile pic and bio . You can double check by checking his / her profile pic to see if he / she have blocked you or not on WhatsApp . Or you can ask some of your friend to send message to that person to check if he is not using his / her phone or have blocked you . If you have any more questions then comment below .

Also Read : How to introduce yourself on WhatsApp message

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