December 29, 2024

How to make a WhatsApp group interesting with friends

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How to make a whatsapp group interesting with friends

If you are thinking How to make a WhatsApp group interesting with friends then here are some ways by which you can make your groups interesting . You can set different topics and different themes for group so that different members can talk on different topics and then you can choose members of week . Members who have contributed most in group or member who have won some contest in group . You can set certain tasks and ask group members to complete that tasks within time . The members or group of members who have completed that task should be winner . Below are some ways to make your WhatsApp group interesting .

(1) Top Member of the week

You should select some member as winner of group for a week or some certain time . This will make other members participate in group and win that task . You can set different tasks like weight loss . Speaking on some topic . making cooking video and teaching other members how to do it . or doing some certain task and teaching that to group members . Then you can select one winner out of all participating member .

(2) Theme of the day / week

You can set certain themes in your groups and ask members to speak on that topic or sharing thoughts on that topic for one day or for more days . Topics can be on some recent news , some talent , children and more .This way Group members can share their knowledge with other WhatsApp group members .

(3) Show your talent

You can ask group members to share their videos on group showcasing their talents like singing , dancing , cooking , painting and other . You can also ask group members to share their fitness transformation or their financial plans to inspire other group members .

(4) Use Versus Contest

You can type two teams and ask group members to pick their favourite teams . or you can choose two actors and compare both and ask group members to give them voting to see which actor or actress have more followers in group . Then you can choose two political members and compare both . This type of contest increase user engagement and then group members will post more messages in groups .

Also Read : How to introduce yourself on WhatsApp message

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